Thursday 14 March 2013

Still life at lunch - note

Why I like this: the spare, cool texture of winter light on the steel jug and beaker; the way this is almost too chill, too plain to make a picture; but not quite, because frail sunshine penetratres (just barely) the café windows, casting odd reflections on the jug and lighting up (just barely) the terracotta-painted walls. This is how it was. A steel jug on a cold day should be a utilitarian, unlovely thing, but at moments it was lovely, which is why it kept catching my eye until I fished out the camera.


Dave Bonta said...

All true. But an additional point of interest for me is that the photographer's reflection is either absent or distorted beyond all recognition, contributing to the bleakness of the scene.

Jean said...

Dave, I think that's just because of jiggling the camera about at arm's length to get the right angle on the table and the wall - wasn't thinking about my own reflection, or indeed about reflections at all.

Lucy said...

It's quite Morandi-ish in its pallor and spareness. I feel unsettled at the idea of drinking from the steel beaker!