Saturday 22 November 2008


Another meme going around lately: post the sixth photo from the sixth file on your computer. Here it is. An early effort with my first camera. Not so bad. St Barnabas Church, Dulwich. I like those trees. They survived the fire that destroyed the Victorian church sixteen years ago, look just as good against the new church, completed in 1996, and perhaps influenced the form and positioning of its spire.


Dale said...

Wow. Such an arresting configuration! You have such a gift for composing spaces.

Anonymous said...

those trees are fantastic.

Zhoen said...

Such an elegantly simple photo.

Anonymous said...

It's beautify but also slightly unsettling - watch the trees and the church slide down the slope.

Lucy said...

I really like this meme, the randomness of it, so we don't select according to what we think are the best qualities.

I think I might have been tempted to straighten that one up a bit, but I guess that rather goes against the spirit of it.

I looked up mine - I'll post it later - and while I quite liked it, the 2nd and 4th ones in the folder were more interesting, and I was tempted to be a bit dishonest, but I won't!

Leon's current assignment said...

Ah, the first "meme" I will consider. It provides me with an opportunity to link this site as I've been saving some of your words for just the right moment.

This week might be perfect. (I hope whatever photo I pull up works...*laughing*...we'll see.)

Jean said...

Lucy, ahem, the field slopes... :-)

Lucy said...

By jove you're right, I thought the roof of the church did but it doesn't, noptical illusion. So sorry Jean!