Monday 12 November 2012

Autumn colours in, uh, black and white


Dave said...

These are gorgeous.

Jean said...

Thanks Dave!

Beth said...

Wow. A totally different way of looking. I especially like the last one, but they're all gorgeous.

Jean said...

Thanks Beth. I did take these in colour, but the gorgeous blue of the sky and yellow of the leaves, in that late Autumn sunshine that can be so low and piercing, just looked over-gaudy in small, on-screen photographs. Turning them to black an white conveyed the subtle play of light and shapes much better.

Les said...

That last one looks like some kind of tree god looking down on the viewer! Maybe it's just me. Wonderful photos.

Daydream Believer said...

Yesterday our art group did some exercises around trees. How I wish I'd had these images to play with. Black and white shows the essence of structure and form. Superb!