Sunday 22 August 2010

Vicarious travels

Stuck in London myself this August, I've been privileged to travel vicariously to China and Nepal. While philosopher and novelist Will Buckingham, more often to be found at ThinkBuddha, journeys around China to research his latest novel and blogs a travelogue as immediate and funny as it is learned, artist Samantha Zaza, whose beautiful blog Harika comes usually from Istanbul, is volunteering in Kathmandu and sharing her sketchbook, photographs and writing from there. An almost daily flow of words from a terrific writer. The eye and heart of a talented artist far from home. This is the internet at its most miraculous.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the links, Jean.

szaza said...

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your kind words, Jean— I'm so happy you enjoy harika!

I'm adding some delicious rhubarb to my life.

Warm wishes from Istanbul,