Thursday 5 August 2010


I learned a new word this week from Marja-Leena: petrichor, which means the scent of rain on dry ground, and thought of it as I was sitting in a cafe after work last night and rain began to fall. Just a shower, but it was real, heavy, sluicing rain that soaked into everyone and everything exposed to it and quickly lowered the temperature. It came as a sweet relief after too many hot, humid, but rainless weeks. And then, floating on the air, rising from the wet pavements, from the grateful lawns and flowerbeds of the park across the street, yes, I could smell it!


Dale said...

I love that smell! And that word.

Beth said...

Me too! And I really love this photograph!

Lucy said...

Wonderful word, wonderful photo.

Lisa said...

Thanks for this word! In that case, I love petrichor and have just never known how to express it before! ;)

Anonymous said...

I know that smell but not the word for it. I, too, love the photo.

Linda S. Socha said...

wonderful photo!