Wednesday 20 October 2010

Postal Poetry

The frightening, overwhelming illness that follows, always, overwhelming busyness - it... well, it frightens me. How long can I live like this? How long I can live like this may be how long I can live, so somehow I have to protect and strengthen myself within it, not against it. This is life. It's not good. It has it's moments that are softer. Try to let them permeate the rest.

One of those moments was finding yesterday that Dave had crafted a new design for the archive of the no longer active Postal Poetry webzine.  It's terrific - an entirely appropriate and enhancing holder for what becomes a very satisfying online exhibition of small works in poetry and pictures. Such a pleasure to see it and to have a couple of things of mine in it.

What a timely reminder that keeping up the small efforts of creativity is worth something - all those small things together can be a big thing, not a luxury but a necessary part of refusing to be dehumanised. A big thank you, Dave, for your skill and generosity!


Beth said...

Very sorry you're ill...feel better soon, please.

litlove said...

Well, I know all about that. Do take care of yourself - give over completely to rest and the best cure, if you can get hold of it, is peace of mind. All will be well, this will pass, just treat yourself with great gentleness.

Thinking of you.

Jean said...

Thanks. I'm recovering!

Fire Bird said...


Dorothee said...

healing vibes~~~~

and thanks for sharing the postal poetry link! for once a litmag that revives its content after closing, and in such a beautiful way.