Friday 3 September 2010


The end of summer, end of long, light days - not end of too much else for this has been a gloomy summer, but it does have its own unmistakeable atmosphere. The low sunshine through trees whose leaves begin to curl. A certain febrile resonance in the air of busy streets and corridors as colleagues hurry back from summer diversions elsewhere. Fiercely deadline-ridden conversations as the new academic year looms just three weeks away. An ending is always a beginning, but this ending and beginning that comes around relentlessly every year cannot but evoke all the preceding years marked by the same rhythm. So these photos taken in the park the other day blur into past images, trees of past late summers, repetitions going back and back in time. Retro season.

Lots more retro photos on Picasa (best viewed as Slideshow - you can adjust the interval down to just one second).


Lucy said...

The tilt of the earth brings memory into sharper focus. Bonne rentree, try not to worry...

marja-leena said...

Marvellous collection of images, the black and white gives a retro feel. This season is full of decades of memories of back to school or work for me too and probably for so many. The change is a stress initially, then a certain rhythm settles in as the days shorten.