Sunday 1 November 2009

Into November

November being when bloggers set themselves some sort of challenge, and since the many months of this year when I took no photos led to a depressingly reduced 'hit rate' of half-way decent pictures, I thought I'd try to take and post a photo every day this month.


Zhoen said...


Lorianne said...

Hooray! (Both for today's picture, and for November's commitment. I'm looking forward to enjoying the latter.)

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo. I like the contrast of colours and the composition.

Dick said...

A great start. Looking up, I feel a sort of ground-based vertigo!

Dave said...

Wow! Good plan. It will give me something to look forward to every day. Especially since my other favorite blogger-photographer, "lucas green," went AWOL.

Linda S. Socha said...

Incredible! I love this shot. To me it is spiritual and inspirations. Thank you! I like the idea of having these to look forward to Jean

litlove said...

Good!! I adore your photos. Your composition is quite amazing.

leslee said...

Wonderful, Jean.

I wasn't planning to do the daily blog post this year, though I'm now considering it having gotten, oh, 3 days into the process and thinking it might be possible. Then again, I've been up early on daylight savings time still, with time in the morning. Not sure that will last... Anyway, good luck! And looking forward to more of your photos. (It's also a lovely thing for those of us with little time to *read* everyone's posts this month as well.)