Saturday 18 April 2009

Changing light


Beth said...

So very beautiful, Jean. And it's great to see something from you here! I like the alternating black&white and color -- it's the way these days feel.

Zhoen said...

I have so missed your point of view on the world. Cool, sweet water.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I'm so glad that I've got your blog on my google reader so that I didn't miss this post.

Rosie said...

spring last

Dale said...


Dave King said...

A really lovely post. Something to savour. We could do with more like it.

Dick said...

More wonderful pics, Jean.

Lucy said...

How beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Croaking rooks building nests
in the oak-tree world.
Silent yogis sipping tea,
in the oak-paneled lounge.
I gaze at a wall.
Green rubber boots dry
on a rack at the back.

Greetings after a G.H. retreat.

[ And thanks for your insightful words and wonderful photos as always. ]

isabel said...

dear Jean,
it's been a very long time since i was around here but i never forgot your wonderful blog. i was sad to discover it gone but happy to find the new one. i think you have become a bit bored of blogging, perhaps, but your photos are so beautiful. there are many things i would like to talk with you about but a public message doesn't seem the appropriate place. perhaps you have forgotten me anyway. but i do want to tell you again how great is your blog...well, both of them. i will even go so far as to include an email address here in case you might choose to get in touch.
with best wishes and high regard, isabel (who used to have the Sunshine Market photoblog)

Linda S. Socha said...

Beautiful photos....a delightful invitation...