Tuesday 26 May 2009

Shanghai shock

China is still on my skin, which itches, a little sore still from the sharp, salt sweat that trailed in the sudden heat. My eyes, which opened wide and stared and stared, are still slow to focus. Back home, the shock of travelling so far, so fast, for such a little time remains - shock therapy.

Normal life, and normal blogging, will be resumed some time soon, I hope.

More photos here.


marja-leena said...

So glad you are back on the blog and with such gorgeous images, Jean. Take care, recover, and when you are ready we'll be here to relish more photos and stories.

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll post more pics and write about your trip!

Zhoen said...

Take your time getting all back.

Dale said...


Sky said...

so glad to hear that good stories and photos are just around the corner.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Sometimes I wish long-distance travel was as difficult and time-consuming as it was in bygone days, when there must have been a much stronger sense of adventure and Otherness in reaching a far-distant continent. I imagine going to China then, if even possible, would have been like going to the moon. But jet-lag and all, your pictures and reports are sure to bring us a taste of the real thing.

isabel said...

i'm imagining coming back slowly, slowly, a few molecules at a time...

Peter Clothier said...

I have been gone for some time, too, traveling and, more recently, on jury duty. It was a special pleasure to check back in and find you there with, again, truly eloquent photographs.

Dick said...

Just as soon as you like, Jean.

Lucy said...

I love the contrast between the two images.

Look forward to hearing and seeing more, when you're ready.

Pam said...

Hmm, I'd love to see some more pictures of China. And words.

Pam said...

... and no, in answer to your comment - Isabelle is one of my middle names. I'm incognito in my blog just because I'm a teacher, really. Not that I ever write about anything particularly shocking!

Jean said...

Isabelle, yes of course that makes sense that you would have concerns as a teacher!

And thank you all for the comments and for still bothering to visit here. I am still intending to return to blogging. I miss it a lot! Even the very small amount of writing and photography that I do for the blog turns out to mean a huge amount to me.

I keep thinking that the hugely busy past few months are drawing to a close finally... and then they don't. However, the journal whose contents I translated has to be with the publisher by next Monday, so that really will be the end of that. Then I'm going away for a week or so. Then when I come back mid July I suppose I will have another mini work crisis after that time out of the office. And then...