STOP PRESS. And here's another BIG lovely present. One of the amazing, unbelievable things the blogosphere has brought me is the friendship of Natalie d'Arbeloff. That Natalie's a uniquely talented artist, writer and thinker is not news. The news is that some very clever and prominent women have just given her a well-deserved accolade. Read about it on her blog.
hello Jean, I was just about to thank you for the post about mindfulness as I followed some of the links which in turn led me to Bala and now thoughts of doing the distance learning version of the course you attended are being seriously explored, thank you.
Now to this Meme thing I'd like to participate if I may. I hope I have understood this correctly, I put the same message up on my blog and so the giving continues - yes?
I'll need to update the link to your blog in my sidebar too as I still hop over from This Too, is that ok.
My email address is at my blog to get my real mail address:0)
Hi Daisy-Winifred! I'll be in touch with you :-) Yes, that's all you have to do.
So glad you are interested in the Bangor Uni Mindfulness Centre! (Here's the link for anyone else who is: http://www.bangor.ac.uk/imscar/mindfulness/) I'm planning to do one of their courses, probably the one in London next year, but if I can't do that, then the distance learning version.
hey jean! Love the leaves - they are present enough
Don't need or want any thing. Just glad to have you around, pass my turn on to the next poster.
Are we allowed to name what we want? Or do you decide, on the basis of our blog, what we need? Or on the basis of what you have? etc.
Frinstance I want to work with children and animals (that don't crap or vomit. Or make any noise.) And I also want world peace.
You may decide that what I most need is a thick ear :-)
I did say *small* presents. I could manage a small thick ear...
Ok then. Since everyone else is being shy and retiring please may I have a small present? A small ear, on the thick side, would be lovely. Or a fat lip would do too :-)
Well, it's hardly fair to ask for presents when you're at the far side of the world, as I am. But the idea is such a lovely one!
Dale, cool! (sorry, just been conversing with students). And then you have to put the same message on your blog.
Jean, I'm late as usual and missed your lovely accolade. How do I respond without gushing? Just want you to know that your friendship is gift enough for me.
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