My head was buzzing, not just with this: with the integrated blog and website I want to build, all the different sections, what they'll say; not to mention three different major life/work transformations I could aim for in the next couple of years. Great stuff, you might think. The trouble is, I'll have changed my mind by next week. The Curse of Gemini - changeable, divided, to put it brutally: fickle!
I don't believe in astrology. No. I think the interesting astrologers are those who use it as a hook for subtle description and analysis of character traits. If you identify with something attributed to your sign, of course you'll remember it, and forget the stuff that means nothing. However, I'm certainly in some ways the 'typical Gemini': twin - if not multiple - personalities, divided against myself, in/out, this today, that tomorrow. It's a curse. Aaargh!
lovely image. like the new look too
Yes, what tg said. I want to know what it *is*, though, that banner. Light on stone? French cheese?
On the, uh, divided self I have no words of wisdom. Besides even if I did they'd be helpful today, useless tomorrow, no? yes?... no?
I think it might be better to have too many ideas and not be able to choose between them than not enough, rather like travelling hopefully...
The banner and look of the blog is lovely, very you!
I quite tlike the way Leslee seems to approach astrology, as a rich source of archetypes and a way of looking at the changing year and how we change with it... I don't really believe in it either!
I exactly understand what you mean when you wrote " 'typical Gemini': twin - if not multiple - personalities, divided against myself, in/out, this today, that tomorrow. It's a curse. Aaargh!". You won't beleive, i was searching google with keywords "the curse of gemini" and it did hit first page which was your blog.
A Fellow cursed geminian
i also just searched "gemini curse" and found this. good to have company.
-fellow cursed gemini
I googled "the curse of the gemini" because I somehow knew I'd find other geminis discussing it. It still caught me by surprise when I actually found this blog. I can't decide if being a gemini was my greatest gift or my curse... typical gemini. Its tough dealing with ourselves.
-A fellow cursed Gemini
he he, I googled "the curse of gemini" and landed here :)
-- a fellow cursed one.
Wow, I was happily surprised to stumble upon this reading while Googling 'curse of the Gemini'. I'm a Gemini too. :)(:
I'm a Gemini & it both a blessing & a curse 2 b one of uz geminians
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