Tuesday 3 April 2012

Rather strange days


Sandra Davies said...

What a compelling, tragic face she has!

Loren said...

Let's focus on that first picture.

Nothing like opening the door to new opportunities and new-found freedom.

Fire Bird said...

I imagine they will be...

marja-leena said...

But you are still finding beauty with your camera! Take care...

Vivien said...

I love the painted wooden statue - fairly modern? You see a lot of medieval ones in the Czech Republic - probably because they couldn't often afford more expensive materials. But they have such a warm quality compared to marble or bronze.

Hope you're getting on well in your new life!

Zhoen said...

Most peculiar, mama.

Jean said...

Sorry (to Loren in particular)for removing the other photos, which were annoying me!

The wooden figure is from Odyssey by Robert Koenig: http://www.robertkoenig-sculptor.com/str_1.htm