Friday 30 September 2011


Done much more than I could do. Hurt everywhere and my head's on fire with this damn cold. Breathe hard through the chest and back pain. Open, open to the coming weekend; hope that if the door is open wide enough the dead hand of anti-climax, depression will stay outside waving wildly and not bother to come in.

Today's forecast was for ninety degrees, which never happens here in October. Darkness at 7 pm and still hot means you're not in England, but much further South. I was right then: these past few weeks have been in a strange country.

I know some people don't mind working all the time and would not understand my distress and exhaustion. We all have our own limits and, wherever they lie, to be repeatedly pushed through them is perhaps a good definition of stress.


Dale said...


Hugs, you.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, thinking of you.

alembic said...

Hugs ... and hoping relief is on its way.

Rouchswalwe said...

Heat and overwork ... ugh. I understand you because I mind working all the time, too. There's a wonderful word in German Entspannung, the "spannung" part meaning tension or stress. The prefix, of course, pulls the entrails out of the tension, sort of like the prefix de- in English. Wishing you a weekend of Entspannung!

Zhoen said...

I'm complaining of 90 here, but it's not nearly as bad as 90 there. You have my utter sympathies. Lots of baths, how miserable.

Lucy said...

Rest well, though these hot nights make that difficult too. A relentless workload as you describe must be a kind of nightmare, I hope you find a way through and a better way to live, and soon.

Loren said...

Here's hoping the weekend sped up your recovery, jean.