Wednesday 3 August 2011


Trying is a funny thing - essential, but never enough. If you don't try, not much will happen, probably. Equally, though, trying can expand to fill all the space, to crowd out hope, imagination, openings... and thus ensure that all your efforts will be in vain. It's finding the balance between doing and being, I suppose - something our culture isn't very good at.


Sandra Davies said...

It's a bit akin to "the man who is going nowhere usually gets there"

Anne said...

An amazing picture.

I only try a little now that I am so old. Too much trying makes you weary. Today I tried to make a cake, something I almost never do, but happily I succeeded.

Rouchswalwe said...

I read your words with gratitude, for I am in a situation at present ... trying to make something work ... and my good friend keeps telling me, "don't try so hard." She's a first-generation American. As am I. It's all so ... time-consuming. But I'm a Libra, and I'm hoping to find a balance.

Dale said...

It is a funny thing. I'm thinking about it a lot these days. You're right, too much trying is a good way to sink a life.