Sunday 24 July 2011

In Leeds, it rained

Oh well. Rain, of course,
is more photogenic
than sunshine.


leslee said...

Love these, particularly the top one!

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Marvellous pictures! Sorry about the rain but hope your holiday was good anyway.

Dale said...

Wonderful photos. We're all scuttling about under the loom of the media, aren't we?

Pam said...

Really? It was a beautiful day here in Edinburgh. Great photos, though.

earlybird said...

Really good pictures. Clever juxtaposition - particularly in the first one.

Anne said...

Great pictures. Somehow rain seems more real than sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful series.

Rouchswalwe said...

Ale-drinking weather then.

Beth said...

I love these. Probably the bottom one is my favorite, but they're all so good!