Thursday 11 March 2010

The second, and more coming...

...another two, three, four buds waiting to burst.  A new bloom makes my day: their lush, gentle softness, so like young human skin.  Having these on the office windowsill reminds me of all that is warm and simple and unforced, all that is lacking in computers - much as I love them, in bureaucracy - much as we need it; that ultimately people are more like orchids than like computers - well, I hope we are.

Well, I think I hope we are. Gentle and fragile isn't always good. If I receive one more email today with a subject line: 'Help!' (oh, no, look, the latest one says: 'HELP!!'), I may delete it unread.  Alas, I don't mean that - there is a hypothesis that only some of us, like me and my helpless correspondents, are orchid types.


Jan said...

How welcome the sight of a new blossom in the midst of gray winter. Thank you for brightening my day.

alembic said...

What gorgeous burst of color!

marja-leena said...

Gorgeous photo of an exquisite flower.

And what a fascinating article with an inspiring ending.

Strangely, while I was reading it an email came in titled 'help!' from youngest daughter (she just need a file off her computer).

Anonymous said...

That photo is totally gorgeous.