Tuesday 22 December 2009

Solstice dreaming

Lie still, lie still while the stiff bone-tiredness spends itself in sleep,
while the snow floats by, the solstice passes and a new space opens,
 slippy sugar frosting
over a muffled, breathy hole in time.
Drop down, drop down and dream towards the coming year.


Dale said...

a muffled, breathy hole in time -- oh, exactly!

You make me miss the snow. Happy Solstice dear Jean!

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous, photos and text.

PurestGreen said...

A new space opens...

I always find that I am not ready for the days to already be getting longer. But I can never hold on. Everything is always moving.

Fire Bird said...

Dropping down together into the dark, preparing to emerge again renewed... Rest well Jean x

Lucy said...


Wishing you a restful holiday, and all good wishes for the coming year.

Natalie said...

I love that blue tree! Like some woodland monarch with a tall crown, his arms held out in welcome.

Have a warm, welcoming New Year, Jean.

Dick said...

Beautiful, both.

Daisy-Winifred said...

Good year to you. May sleep and dreams give you rest and renewal through the coming days.Wishing gentle days, laughter filled moments and light filled year.