Monday 8 October 2007

Revolving doors

Hmm. Endless visual effects and bottomless metaphor. This could run and run - round and round, of course.


Anonymous said...

Interesting repetition within the photos and in the stacking one on top to the other!

Your fresh new blog makes me think of a brand new sketchbook or diary, full of possibilities. But do hang on to the richness of the old one, Jean!

Ernesto said...

will this be your new main blog, then?

Zhoen said...

But you wouldn't want to just go around in circles.

Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Jean, I've only just realised this is your new cyberhome and havee aadded the link on my blogroll. I like the fresh new look but I hope you haven't deleted the old one? Is your archive stored somewhere?

Dale said...
